So anyway I found it the other day and decided to play around with it. But first I went over to YouTube and found a video on using your cricut to etch glass. There a a ton of them, that's how I know that I am behind on the latest thing. :)
And then I ran out to Michael's and picked up a couple of boxes of votive candles to practice on. I got 24 candles for a grand total of $7.00. Not much money involved so I didn't really care if I made mistakes or not. Plus I figured that I could always still use them and just hide them in other candle holders.
So here are the candles that I've done so far. I have some other projects in mind but first I need to practice more.
Pretty cool, huh??? Have you used your cricut do any glass etching?
Thanks for stopping by...
These turned out perfectly!
ReplyDeleteI love the look of frosted glass, very cool!!
ReplyDeleteI don't have a cricut ~ I have heard you can do so many cool things with it ~ you just showed it's true!!! beautiful!!!
ReplyDeleteI haven't tried to to do that yet, but I should...I guess I'm scared it's too hard to do :P You did such a great job..they look so good!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful job :)
ReplyDeleteThey turned out great! I will definitely need to try that with my cricut...never thought of glass etching. THanks!