
Happy 50th Birthday

My older sister turned 50 years old yesterday.  Which is really hard to believe because I can still remember when we were all younger and we would all play house together or build tents in the backyard.  Of course being the oldest she always thought she was the boss.  Time sure does fly by...

So of course I couldn't let her birthday pass without making her something special to celebrate it.  Now I guess you should know that I am usually the smart ass in our family - pretty much always have been or as my sister likes to call me "brat".

So remember this...

Well I added some of this...

And these....

And came up with this for her...

I would love to be there when she gets this, just to hear what she has to say.  Especially since I have been giving her such a hard time about turning 50.  She says she is doing just fine with it but I wanted to remind her that "50 SUCKS!"  :)

Thanks for stopping by...


  1. I am the older sister in the family. We are bossy because we want our younger sister to not have a hard life by making silly decisions. But ya they rebell and well.....LOL.
    Love your gift, just good thing its not coming to me, I can wait for that number LOL.

  2. So cool! I'll be your sister for a day to get one of those too! I love how colorful it all turned out.

  3. Oh, what a fun surprise! I bet it made her day not suck quite so much...lol. :)

