Yeah I know what your thinking, why would I want to go to Kentucky Fried Chicken. The foods not good for you and it doesn’t taste that great – although I will admit for some strange reason I love the mashed potatoes and gravy.Aren’t those the cutest containers and I love they are recyclable. But what I really love about them is that they solved a storage problem for me.
But IKFC and their mashed potatoes and gravy for a whole other reason lately. These…
You know how you always have little odds and ends floating around that you never have any place to store them? Well for me these containers fill that spot.
I have 8 of them and need just one more to fill this drawer.
Then I plan on labeling each one with a color for all those odds and ends that I have. I may even line the tops with colored paper so that at a glance I know which container to grab.
I just love this idea and we’ve only had to eat at KFC twice to get all of these containers.
How do you store your odds and ends? I think I really like this by color thing.
Happy Friday!!!
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