
Nothing Like Vacation Shopping

So I'll admit it out loud - I love to shop and what I love even more then shopping is VACATION SHOPPING.  You know why?  Because I don't feel half  as guilty shopping on vacation as I do in just day to day shopping.   Don't know why.  And lucky for me, I have a hubby who doesn't mind at all and in fact when we are vacation he urges me even more to pick up things that I see and really like....

Like this guy.  In the scrapbook store that I found in Oregon there is a gal who does tole paining classes.  Now I couldn't this even if I tried and believe me I have but I love toled painted things.  They just feel very country to me.  And of course anyone who knows me knows that Fall is my absolute favorite time of year.  So I picked him up for the front door this fall.

And since were already in the scrapbook store I had to pick up some new goodies for scrapping.  What I loved about this store was that I found papers that I hadn't seen before.  Which was all the more reason to stock up.  :)

Perfect for the vacation pages that I plan on doing!!

These will come in handy for our Annual Pumpkin Dinner album.

Couldn't resist this cute cupcake paper even if I just use it for cards.

This paper is from Goose Berry Patch and I love their stuff.  They have such a country feel to their stuff.  I really like all the little saying on this paper and can cut each one out for different layouts or cards.

And here it is...... My new Pendleton Wool Blanket.  I have already curled up under just to see how it feels.  So cozy!!!

And I have saved the best find for last.........

Now just in case you don't know what this is, it's called a Flower Frog.  You would put in in a vase or container and the stick your flowers in it for an arrangement.  But it works so much better as a card holder for me. 

I didn't make this card but just using it as an example.   I have searched and searched for a flower frog.  And I am always so jealous when I see them on other people's blogs.  So now for only $5.00 I have my very own.  Although they were some really nice antiquey ones in this store for about a little more then double what I paid for this guy but I couldn't see buying them since it's only going to be holding cards.

So all in all I am very happy with my Vacation shopping.  And can't wait to do it again on our next vacation.

Thanks for stopping by...

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